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Revelry! Entangled by S.B.K. Burns


Welcome to Steampunk Revelry! Dance with us. Have a glass of sherry.

Today we celebrate S.B.K. Burns’ new release, Entangled, a paranormal romance with steampunk elements (scientific history year 1717, technology: lenses and telescopes):

What Entangled is about:


What it means to a provocative witch of the 21st century who dares travel to a brawny Scottish mathematician of the early 18th.


For four years, Dawn Jameson, studying toward her doctorate at the University, has been posing as an unemotional and self-disciplined upper-class psychology major.

Now that she’s this close to earning a degree that would permit her membership in the collegiate upper classes, her attraction to Taylor Stephenson, an Olympic-class weight lifter, threatens to expose her as an emotional member of the underground hacker class.


When Taylor is coerced by his revered upper-class brother to spy on Dawn’s past life regression classes, he risks his exposure as a less-than-objective academic. One second too many of Dawn’s mesmerizing regression techniques and he’s dreaming himself into the past, entangled with the smart and beautiful young woman in both the present and a past life he never knew he had.

Entangled by Susan BurnsENTANGLEMENT

Can Dawn be sure Taylor is more attracted to her than the unreserved Lily, her past life? Is he a typical upper-class jock to whom love is a word of convenience, rather than an emotion traveling to the very core of his existence?

Dawn and Taylor become the epicenter of a time quake, unable to escape their sexually obsessive past, until Taylor’s brother, a celebrity physicist (think Stephen Hawking), rescues them in his quantum computer.

With three ways into the past—past life regression, lucid dreaming, and the quantum computer—their timeline is in knots. Outside the tangled loops of time, one or the other might never have existed. For their love to survive, against all his beliefs, Taylor must allow the town of Musselburgh, Scotland to burn Lily as a witch.

Might there be a fourth and safer way out of the past?

Additional teaser: 

It’s out there . . . if you want to know the truth.

Ever wonder why we only hear about great male scientists from the past?

Check out who did their funding and who did their alchemist grunt work.

Move over Mileva Einstein, you may not be the only great female scientist robbed of recognition.


Read an excerpt from Entangled here:


Enter the Rafflecopter AND for the following prize: Lorgnette Opera Glasses




My writing:

I love to read historical romances and with two advanced engineering degrees, how could the geek in me not want to write something bordering on steampunk?

The books I’m contracted for or soon to be released are:

Sci-Fi Romance, Getting Them Up,

release date by Whiskey Creek, July 15, 2013


Paranormal Romance, Entangled. 

release date by Black Opal Books, September 21, 2013


Urban-Fantasy Romance Series, Legends of The Goldens,

release by Soul Mate in 2014.


My Work-In-Progress is a continuation of the theme of Entangled.

It’s called Fly Liike An Eagle and it suggests that the Q (the crystal quantum computer of 1717 from Entangled) rescued the Piscataway American Natives, and others from the persecuted Algonquin tribes to a Victorian location out of time, Piscatawnia, England. The original year is 1824 and the place/time is the establishment of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA. (scientific philosophy and personal cosmology)


Susan BurnsAuthor Bio:

From an early age, S. B. K. Burns recited Shakespearean sonnets or snuck a read of a Broadway script from her parents’ theater magazine.

Having worked in the world of science—oceanography, biomedicine, and aerospace engineering—she brings these experiences to her sci-fi paranormals imbued with her idealistic philosophy that merges science with spirituality.


PRIZE UPDATE:  Congrats to Kimberly who won the $10.00 gift certificate to our eBook StoreCongratulations to Maureen who won the lorgnettes


I have always loved books but discovered romance books later in life while home with a sick child thanks to my best friend, Brenda. It didn't take long to meet up with Karen and learn that we shared a lot more than a love of books. We are sisters in spirt who want to help people spread the word about books. KarenneLyn is the web designer of Coffee Time Romance and several other sites. This wonderful exploration of her creative side has become a fun thing to learn and opened the door to meeting some wonderful people.

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  • Al

    Quantum computing, time travel–ingredients for a romance novel? Apparently so. Read this.

  • Wendy Slocum

    S.B.K. Burns’ Entangled plays off Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, but there’s no uncertainty that you’ll enjoy this book. I’ve been an S.B.K. Burns fan for two years. I always find her writing fast-paced, interesting and humorous. Her books never fail to entertain.

  • Shirley O'Neil

    Entangled is a story tangled with mystery, suspense, and romance–lots of romance. It’s a fast-paced novel that’s is truly enjoyable. Susan Burns writes unpredictable stories that are full of twists and turns. I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to read her newest novel, Entangled, and would recommend it to everyone.

  • Sherri A. Dub

    I love that Steampunk is being read in a wider audience. I adore everything about it. It will be a pleasure to add another author, like Burns to my list.

    • Susan Burns

      Thanks, Sherri.

      If you like it, I hope you’ll encourage others to read it.


  • Zita

    I have not read your books, but this overview and snippet of your bio got me to add them to my to read list. Thank you for being another author that I will read and review. I love adding new authors to my pallet.

  • Kai W.

    Entangled is the perfect title for this book. All the past lives are colliding into the present. Issues that were not resolve back then are taking hold. There is an Eastern philosophy that we are bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over our reincarnation until we learn from it to break that cycle. It seemed like this is what happening in the story.

    Thanks for the preview.

  • Phyllis

    I really enjoy finding new Steampunk authors; I’m adding Entangled to my wish list – it sounds delightful.

    • Susan Burns

      Thank you, Phyllis.

      I really hope you’ll enjoy it
      and if you do tell your friends.



  • Carol

    This is the first time that I have seen a steampunk book work in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. I’m really curious to see how it works.

    • Susan Burns

      If we capture a single frame imager of a dog, we cannot know whether he is wagging his tail or not. Uncertainty has to do with perspective, and perspective has to do with how we sample something and how many times we sample it.

      My new blogsite, under construction, looks at how perspective is wrapped up in how we sample things, what is possible for us to know and what remains impossible.

      The Union of Opposites –

      Thanks for the post, Carol.


  • Kimberly Mayberry

    WOW! This book has a little bit of everything in it that I love! I am really looking forward to reading this book and following this author. I agree, women scientists never seem to get the credit they deserve!

  • Norma Posy

    I’m familiar with other books created by Susan, and “Entanglement” enhances my appreciation for Susan’s originality and craftsmanship. The first step in artistic creation is to have an idea. The idea behind “Entanglement” is original, provocative, and pregnant.

    The second step in artistic creation is execution. This Susan has done (once again!) with her usual flair and skill. If the purpose of artistic creation is to bring pleasure to the reader, Susan has succeeded admirably with this reader.

    Well done!

  • Melissa B

    I’m loving the Entangled releases, and Steampunk is quickly becoming a favorite! This sounds AWESOME!

  • Trix

    I’m just getting into (and loving) steampunk, and this one has a hook I’ve never encountered before!

  • Dave Ward

    An intriguing, steamy, well written, page turner. Congratulations Susan. Can’t wait for the next one.

  • Syd Love

    Susan introduced some of us to Entangled at a public reading, and now I can’t wait to acquire a copy. Her story and people swing and sway, steam and sizzle, and the traveling fascinates.

  • Regan

    Congratulations, Susan, on your new release and kudos to you for all that technology you are willing to sort through!

  • Mary Preston

    ENTANGLED has certainly caught my attention. I haven’t read a lot of Steampunk, but it is totally fascinating.

    • Susan Burns

      Thanks, Mary.

      Hope you find the opportunity to read the whole thing.


  • JB

    Looking forward to reading this one!

  • Wanjiru Warama

    Entangled: Finally a scientist who knows about love! Who knew! I have read parts of Entangled and plans to finish it.
    Congratulations Susan. Steamy! Steamy!

    • Susan Burns


      Glad you plan to read the rest. And hopefully you’re willing to share your enjoyment with your friends.


  • Julie McDonough

    This sounds so exciting…I can’t wait to read it!

  • Linda Rorex

    Haven’t read any of your books but I plan to now. Thanks for the excerpt reading.

    • Susan Burns

      Thanks, Linda.

      Getting Them Up, a sci-fi with romantic elements, is also available from Amazon.


  • Maureen

    S. B. K Burns has a wonderful gift for writing that reaches into several genres. Her delightful sense of humor and skillful potting has held me entranced for several years. Her real-life background and talent to bring her characters to life and they will knock on the door of your memory for a long time after reading about them.

  • Chelsea B.

    This book sounds so good! Love those opera glasses!

  • Mina Gerhart

    AWESOME blurb & excerpt S.B.K.
    I LOVE the mix of past lives, paranormal (witch) & technology. The comparing Taylor’s brother to Stephen Hawking is inspired.
    I HAD to get my hands on the book!

    Mindy 🙂

    • Susan Burns

      Thanks, Chelsea.

      Hope you win them.


    • Susan Burns


      I’m glad you like the Stephen Hawking character that invented the Q, the quantum computer.
      Long Live The Q.


  • bn100

    Nice teaser

  • Linda H.

    I have experienced some of Susan’s other works and really enjoy her work. I have been interested in Quantum Physics for only a little while now and had never heard of Steampunk, so this is a really cool adventure for me! Thank you Susan for the wonderful journey into something new and exciting!

  • Patricia López Negrete

    Susan is a brilliant writer. Her sensibility in gender issues is exceptional. She is capable of creating enough suspense to keep us readers with her work.
    Congratulations Susan, Patricia

  • Chris T.

    I totally enjoy Susan’s work. If you’re looking for steamy romance, Susan delivers! If you tend to the scientific side of the coin, Susan delivers! She’s intelligent, quirky, and a treat to read from page 1 all the way to the end.

  • CyberCommando.Roger

    After reading these glowing comments, I had to “Buy Now with 1-Click.”

    “Entangled” now waits patiently for me on my Kindle. Can’t wait to see how you blend Steampunk with Heisenberg.

    And Steamy Romance? My last romance novel was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Ah, how I fell for Becky Thatcher. Guess it could happen again.

  • Susan Burns

    I put all the names of bloggers in a hat and picked one out at random.
    Maureen is the winner of the lorgnettes.
    She’s thrilled. Says she never wins anything.

    Thanks to all who participated.

    I came to find out that Black Opal Books has rated Entangled at a 4 out of 5 for heat level.
    That’s what I wanted to create–a lot of steam!


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Overall, Kissed by the Alien is another fantastic addition to the series! It’s filled with suspense, danger, action, drama, angst, twists, betrayals, humor, scorching hot passion and magnificent characters.

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